Even if you've been living under a rock for the past two weeks you have heard about Kanye Wests latest outburst, this time against innocent Taylor Swift at the VMAs. Kanye caused a major uproar when he interrupted swift during her acceptance speech to say that "Beyonce had the best music video of all time." This latest diva moment from Kanye spread like rapid fire around campus and beyond. Not only are people joking about it but they have coined the term "Kanyed" meaning to totally interrupt someone in the middle of them talking about something important. This trend most certainly won't last long, as it is only popular now while the Kanye incident is still funny. However, students are perpetuating the "you just got Kanyed" trend because the VMA outburst was so appaling but most of all because it is an easy way for them to be funny.
Thats The Tits/Ah Tits
Like many language trends, the term "thats the tits" stemmed from a movie. Though the movie "I Love You Man," from which the phrase was coined, came out this summer, the trend is still maintained by CU students. "Thats the tits" is often used to describe something really great where as "ah tits" is in response to something not so great. I think this phrase has risen to trend status because it is slang that doesn't really make sense, and people are in to that. I'm not sure if tits refers to the obvious, but either way the phrase is completely new and people who use it feel fresh and hip (even though they got it from a movie.) Obviously, this trend is seen mostly among college students and will not likely last long.
K Thanks, Bye.
The "K Thanks, Bye" trend is interesting as it is mostly a written language trend opposed to a spoken language trend. College students think that this is the best way to close off a Facebook comment. Hi Allie, I need you in my life. Lets rage. K thanks, Bye. ("I need you in my life" and "lets rage" also other trends.) I think this trend was started because some girl thought it was a cutsie way to end her Facebook comment, and it was all downhill from there. If I really try to read into this trend, it seems like a way to make something nice or intelligent ditzy and annoying. Why girls would choose to do that, I have no idea. Hopefully, it doesn't stick around long.
Grenade Stickers
Year round, CU Students sport the Grenade Gloves sticker on their cars. The Grenade Glove stickers look like actual grenades, however, there are many variations--gloves written out with the grenade as the o, pink pigs with grenades as a body, grenades that are shaped like skeleton hands, etc. However, so many students sport these stickers I find it hard to believe that they all also wear the gloves. College men and women alike support the brand by plastering their stickers on their cars, often times Nissan Exterras and paired with the grenade gloves sticker. This trend permeates CU's campus because people are passionate about their ski and snowboard brands. I think the trend spreads to non-winter sports enthusiasts because people in boulder enjoy their individuality and like to express themselves. While this idea extends into the general trend of bupmper stickers, the grenade gloves logo is trendy and clean and is picked up by people just looking to jazz up their cars as well.
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