Thursday, October 22, 2009

Lattise Eyelash Lengthener 
Brooke Shields isn't only good at selling Volkwagen Routons...she is also the spokes person for Lattise, an eyelash lengthening prescription, that CU women are clamoring for. Lattise is a prescription serum that you put right on the edge of your eyelash, and both Brooke and CU students claim the serum grows long, beautiful, lashes. This trend has really caught on with CU women becasue Lattise is really the first of it's kind. Tiered of resorting to daily falsies, the real beauty enthusiasts (or those who are just lash impaired) are resorting to Lattise. I am always surprised at the lengths (no pun intended) CU women go to in order to feel "more beautiful". The driving force behind this trend is truly rooted in cosmetic enhancement. 

Surface Piercings
Piercings are in interesting way in which express themselves. Their meaning and significance span across cultures. A new trend in piercing has picked up on CU's campus--surface piercing. A surface piercing is just as it sounds; a piercing on the surface of your skin. The back of your neck, behind your ear, or a woman's cleavage, are new places surface piercings are appearing. Though edgy fashion is "in", I don't think a piercing trend catches on solely in conjunction with a fashion trend. Normal peircings, in your ears, belly buttons, eyebrows, are common signs of "freedom" and the privileges of turning 18. Unlike traditional piercings, surface piercing make a bold statement like a tattoo. Where you get your surface piercing in combination with how you dress says a lot about your personality. CU students are always looking to differentiate themselves from our homogenous student body. The bold use surface piercings to do so. 

Spray Tans
Lets get it straight- a spray tan is not a Mystic tan. Instead of standing in an inclosure, being sprayed head to toe, and turning around when you see the green light, a spray tan is an intimate experience between you and the german lady who covers every inch of your body with a hand help spray bottle. Though this tan option is pricing, costing over $40, CU women who seek the year round glow are sticking to the spray tan. This trend has really caught on because of all the skin cancer awareness that targets young women who tan. Unlike other health risks, skin cancer effects outer beauty as much as inner beauty. Skin cancer means wrinkles and sun spots, not just health issues. Though superficial, this is the strongest motive that is keeping girls out of tanning beds and in front of the german lady with the spray bottle. At least we don't have to look at girls that look like this... 

...has nothing to do with corn. Cornhole is literally a bean bag toss that I'm sure I played at my 5th grade field day. First, it's incredible how such simple games like Cornhole can come back and students act as though it is the most entertaining time passer on the planet. Secondly, it's incredible how CU students can turn any game into a drinking game. I have seen Cornholl being played often before football games and at tailgates. It's less attention getting than an outdoor game of beer pong but still allows for some friendly competition. Also, students have been making their own Cornhole set up. All you really need is a few pieces of plywood and a couple two by four's. This fresh game/drinking game is appealing to CU students as well as it's cheap and easy to assemble nature. 

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Trends Week 8

Dumpster Diving 
You paid $200 dollars for those jeans but got that couch out of a dumpster? Yes, thats right. Dumpster diving, a trend not new to boulder, has now been added to the list of this years college trends. With the majority of the population on the hill being students, Boulderites traditionally travel up and down the allies looking for students "trash." And they often find good stuff. This year, the "someone else's trash is another's treasure" theme seen in fashion also applies to home decor. I know some students all living separate houses who have scored a coffee table, a couch, and a lamp from Boulder dumpsters. The economy and the DIY trend is making dumpster diving cool. It's turning trash into something vintage, and all students with a little creativity and a little budget can dig that. Check out this article from August 09 from the Colorado Daily...

The Farmers Market
The Boulder Farmer's Market, located on 13th street and Walnut has been a prominent Wednesday/Saturday family event. College students have caught on to this trend and see it as an upscale activity that is associated with the "green, eco-friendly friedly lifestyle" Boulder students are all about these days. Along with that, I think their is something more unique about buying groceries at the farmers market than at a regular grocery store. The CU Student body is fairly homogenous and people love to be on the cutting edge and differentiate themselves. Boulder has also always been about supporting local businesses or family owned organizations, and this is starting to go hand in hand with students direction of making greener decisions. Shopping at the farmers market really shows that a chunk of students are actually starting to live this lifestyle that used to only be just a chic thing to talk about. 

Wednesday Night Trivia at Lazy Dog
We all know CU students will find any reason, on any night of the week, to party. Trivia night at Lazy Dog targets the 21 and up crowd (or the illegally 21 and up crowd).  I think trivia nights are frequented becasue it's a great way for friendly competition and cheap alcohol. The night is very dynamic and gets pretty rowdy, with prizes such as neon lights and tie breaking games such as "the chug off wall". These increasingly popular Wednesday nights, provide a fun laid back atmosphere with food, booze and casual competition. For the hard core partiers (and there are plenty of them), Lazy Dog provides the best Wednesday action. Also, the balance between drinking and entertainment is appealing opposed to a bar that is solely based on drinking. 

Where The Wild Things Are
Not only is the movie rendition of this popular children's book attempting to make a big impact this weekend, but Where The Wild Things are tributes are everywhere around Boulder. CU Students are taking notice. For some reason, this trend is mostly catching on with female students who sport the apparel (which can be found in a Where The Wild Things dedicated section at Urban Outfitters). Just down the street, The Ritz displays a monster character from the story as a halloween costume. I can guarantee this halloween we will see many "wild things" and Max's running around. I think this trend is catching on for two reasons. The book is a classic and the movie, directed by Spike Jonze, looks like it has been done in a tasteful way. I think this trend is catching on among females especially because the previews portray the movie as a touching story with a lot of heart behind it. For me personally, this makes a childhood book really come to life and forces memories of the story to resurface. I think females are attracted to these childhood memories more than males. Also, parents are interested in this movie because the book was most likely a prominent part of raising their children. 

Thursday, October 8, 2009

You've Just Been Kanyed 
Even if you've been living under a rock for the past two weeks you have heard about Kanye Wests latest outburst, this time against innocent Taylor Swift at the VMAs. Kanye caused a major uproar when he interrupted swift during her acceptance speech to say that "Beyonce had the best music video of all time." This latest diva moment from Kanye spread like rapid fire around campus and beyond. Not only are people joking about it but they have coined the term "Kanyed" meaning to totally interrupt someone in the middle of them talking about something important. This trend most certainly won't last long, as it is only popular now while the Kanye incident is still funny. However, students are perpetuating the "you just got Kanyed" trend because the VMA outburst was so appaling but most of all because it is an easy way for them to be funny. 

Thats The Tits/Ah Tits
Like many language trends, the term "thats the tits" stemmed from a movie. Though the movie "I Love You Man," from which the phrase was coined, came out this summer, the trend is still maintained by CU students. "Thats the tits" is often used to describe something really great where as "ah tits" is in response to something not so great. I think this phrase has risen to trend status because it is slang that doesn't really make sense, and people are in to that. I'm not sure if tits refers to the obvious, but either way the phrase is completely new and people who use it feel fresh and hip (even though they got it from a movie.) Obviously, this trend is seen mostly among college students and will not likely last long.  

K Thanks, Bye. 
The "K Thanks, Bye" trend is interesting as it is mostly a written language trend opposed to a spoken language trend. College students think that this is the best way to close off a Facebook comment. Hi Allie, I need you in my life. Lets rage. K thanks, Bye. ("I need you in my life" and "lets rage" also other trends.) I think this trend was started because some girl thought it was a cutsie way to end her Facebook comment, and it was all downhill from there. If I really try to read into this trend, it seems like a way to make something nice or intelligent ditzy and annoying. Why girls would choose to do that, I have no idea. Hopefully, it doesn't stick around long. 

Grenade Stickers 
Year round, CU Students sport the Grenade Gloves sticker on their cars. The Grenade Glove stickers look like actual grenades, however, there are many variations--gloves written out with the grenade as the o, pink pigs with grenades as a body, grenades that are shaped like skeleton hands, etc. However, so many students sport these stickers I find it hard to believe that they all also wear the gloves. College men and women alike support the brand by plastering their stickers on their cars, often times Nissan Exterras and paired with the grenade gloves sticker. This trend permeates CU's campus because people are passionate about their ski and snowboard brands. I think the trend spreads to non-winter sports enthusiasts because people in boulder enjoy their individuality and like to express themselves. While this idea extends into the general trend of bupmper stickers, the grenade gloves logo is trendy and clean and is picked up by people just looking to jazz up their cars as well. 

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Trendspotting Week 5

Weddings, Parties, and their Extravagance

Long ago were the days when I watched A Wedding Story in the mornings on TLC. Now, wedding shows are EVERYWHERE and not just on the style. network. Ranging from Rock The Reception about couples who coreograph their first dance, Bridezillas about the obvious evil Bride, Say Yes to The Dress dedicated solely to the bride fashionista/family drama lover, Masters of Reception about a party planning team, and even Cake Boss the show about the worlds most extreme cake maker, wedded bliss via reality TV has reached our college campus. ABC also had a succsessful first season on Wedding Day, an Extreme Makeover Home Edition type show for the couple to be. I think this trend has caught on because it is more than just reality TV, it lets the viewer live in a fantasy world. Its more than just seven strangers living in a house, the shows are about celebrations and extravagance, which many people cannot afford to experience. This trend will fade fast, as even the most grand or dramatic parties get boring. 

On a totally opposite note from all the vampires in the media, Gigolo's are appearing on both the big and small screen and CU students are taking notice. HBO's new show, Hung, which features a male prostitute or gigolo. With the popularity of risque HBO shows like entourage and the growing popularity of the racy show, True Blood, Hung is starting to catch on as well with its sex based plots and dialogue. On the big screen, the movie Extract which has one rave reviews by CU students, also features a male prostitute. Unlike Hung which is about using prostitution as a means of living, Extract's gigolo lures a wife away from her marriage. Either way, hooking isn't just for guys any more. Hopefully this trend stays only in the media.

Youtube Video Reactions
We have all seen our fair share of funny Youtube Videos. Now their sequels are emerging--Youtube video reactions. Though CU students are not the prime candidates to record their reactions to funny Youtube videos, they are definitely talking about them and watching them. Much like how Youtube videos are adapted by users, the reaction videos are posted alongside the original video. This trend has caught on because it is just another way for people to look at themselves. Not only are we interested in sharing our thoughts via comments, but now our reactions which are much more personal and dynamic. From a viewers standpoint, this trend has caught on because we are inately curious beings and interested in other peoples behaviors and tendencies. Though the reaction videos aren't nearly as funny as the actual videos, they are fairly entertaining. Still, they will loose their popularity pretty fast. 

Power Balance Bracelets
Call it the "evil Eye" of sports, Power Balance wristbands are suddenly making all guys on campus, stronger, more "in tune with their chi" (actual quote), and helping them perform better on the field. Obviously, professional athletes have served as free advertising for this wristband with Power Balance technology that helps tune and improve your body's cell to cell communication. The company claims that "when cells communicate better, the body performs better, which improves balance, flexibility, strength, endurance, focus and overall wellness." Even though the bracelet was originally created for surfing, all athletes are sporting them now. I know a few CU Football players who wear the accessory and their are published photos of athletes from other schools that wear it as well. My boyfriend, who only plays adult league hockey, swears by it. He has scored at least one goal in every game he has played since he started wearing the wrist band. If this trend turns out to be a fraud, it will be outta here soon. But if not, if the technology persists, I can see it sticking around.